Learn by Example
Exploratory Data Analysis
Restaurant EDA
Survival plot model and sparklyr
Shiny - ggplot - spark - ml_linear_regression - iris
Connect multiple local spark nodes
How to convert dplyr code to sql code
Connect multiple spark nodes
Instacart Market Basket Analysis
White Bllod Cells Classification
Santander Customer Transaction Prediction
Streaming - detect new csv file - Dashboard with Shiny
Santander customer transaction prediction with rpart
Santander customer transaction prediction with keras (MLP)
Santander customer transaction prediction with xgboost
Santander customer transaction prediction with xgb.cv & xgb.train
Facial & Smile recognisation
Smile Kinships detection
Face Recognition using face_recognition library
Generate dataset from webcam - train model using openCV and detect faces
Generate and save dataset to sqlite db, train model using openCV, detect and reconize faces from webcam
Face recognition by comapring distance (weigth) between image arrays
Face recognition eyes blink destector
IEEE-CIS Fraud Detection
Predict Future Monthly Sales
Predict the number of attempts by xgboost
Dealing with unbalanced multiclasses with caret
Image particle classification after collision
Particle specimen classification after collision
Lung Cancer Event (0,1) prediction
Lung Cancer Survival Time (duration in days) prediction
Flood Prediction in Malawi
QSAR Antifungal quantification (Binary and Regression Classification RF,XGB)
Performance and design Shiny App Improvement
Full Shiny App with Domain and HTTPS certificate
Brazilian E-Commerce by Olist
Japanese restaurant EDA