This challenge is part of an effort to explore the use of machine learning to assist high energy physicists in discovering and characterizing new particles. Particles are the tiny constituents of matter generated in a collision between proton bunches. Physicists at CERN study particles using particle accelerators. The goal of this challenge is to build a machine learning model to read images of particles and identify their type.
is a starter python notebook. It shows us how to open and view a .pkl
file and starts you off with a simple classifier.
# replace by your own file path
pkl_file = open("download/event1.pkl", 'rb')
event1 = pickle.load(pkl_file)
print("shape of event1[0]: ",np.shape(event1)[0])
FALSE Attaching package: 'dplyr'
FALSE The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
FALSE filter, lag
FALSE The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
FALSE intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
FALSE Attaching package: 'data.table'
FALSE The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
FALSE between, first, last
FALSE Attaching package: 'EBImage'
FALSE The following object is masked from 'package:data.table':
FALSE transpose
FALSE Attaching package: 'xgboost'
FALSE The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
FALSE slice
# mat2vec <- function(path, w = 10, h = 10){
# ## Define empty df
# df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 1 + (w * h), nrow = 0))
# ## Set names. The first column is the classes, the other columns are the pixels.
# colnames(df) <- c("target", paste0("V", c(1:(w*h) )))
# tmp <- py$read_pickle_file(path)
# ## fill df by row
# ## increment each 2
# for(i in seq(1,length(tmp), by= 2)){
# df[i,] <- c(label = tmp[[i+1]], tmp[[i]] %>% as.vector())
# }
# ## remove all NA rows
# df <- df %>% filter_all(all_vars(!
# return(df)
# }
met2vec <- function(path){
tmp <- py$read_pickle_file(path)
lsvec <- lapply(tmp[1,], function(x) as.vector(x))
target <-[2,]))
names(target) <- "target"
var <, lsvec))
return(cbind(target, var))
system.time(event_1 <- met2vec("download/event1.pkl"))
#system.time(event_1bis <- mat2vec("download/event1.pkl"))
#identical(event_1, event_1bis)
#event1_2 <- lapply(list("download/event1.pkl", "download/event2.pkl"), function(x) mat2vec(x))
function is faster!
# 11: "electron"
# 13: "muon"
# 211: "pion"
# 321: "kaon"
# 2212: "proton"
train %>%
mutate(target = as.factor(target)) %>%
group_by(target) %>%
summarise(Count = n()) %>%
mutate(target = ifelse(target == 11, "electron",
ifelse(target == 13, "muon",
ifelse(target == 211, "pion",
ifelse(target == 321, "kaon", "proton"))))) %>%
aes(x = target, y = Count, fill= target) +
geom_text(aes(label = percent(Count/sum(Count))), vjust = -0.5)+
geom_text(aes(label = Count), vjust = -2)
train %>%
group_by(target) %>%
summarise(Count = sum(target)) %>%
mutate(weight = min(Count)/Count) %>%
mutate(ratio = Count*100/sum(Count)) %>%
mutate(percentage = percent(Count/sum(Count))) %>%
mutate(label = ifelse(target == 11, "electron",
ifelse(target == 13, "muon",
ifelse(target == 211, "pion",
ifelse(target == 321, "kaon", "proton")))))
weights <- train %>%
group_by(target) %>%
summarise(Count = sum(target)) %>%
mutate(weight = min(Count)/Count) %>%
mutate(weight2 = 1 + Count * 0.01) %>%
mutate(target = ifelse(target == 11, 0,
ifelse(target == 13, 1,
ifelse(target == 211, 2,
ifelse(target == 321, 3, 4))))) %>%
# mutate(label = ifelse(target == 0, "electron",
# ifelse(target == 1, "muon",
# ifelse(target == 2, "pion",
# ifelse(target == 3, "kaon", "proton")))))%>%
select(target, weight) %>%
weights[weights["target"] == 1,2]
for(i in 1:9){
title(main = event1[[2,i]], col.main="white", cex.main=4)
vec2img <- function(df, nrow, w= 10, h = 10, main = "if needed", xlab = "if needed"){
i <- EBImage::Image(as.numeric(df[nrow,]))
dim(i) <- c(w, h, 1)
#i <- EBImage::resize(i, w= w, h= h)
title(main = main, xlab = xlab ,cex.main = 4, cex.sub = 0.75, col.main="white", col.lab = "white", cex.lab = 4)
for(i in 1:9){
vec2img(train[-1], i, main = train[i,1])
convert_test <- function(df){
test_like_event <- t(, df))
lsvec <- lapply(test_like_event[2,], function(x) as.vector(x))
target <-[1,]))
names(target) <- "target"
var <-, lsvec))
test <- cbind(target, var)
test <- convert_test(test)
test %>% head(20)
fwrite(test, file = "test.csv")
Convert labels to numeric values
# 11: "electron"
# 13: "muon"
# 211: "pion"
# 321: "kaon"
# 2212: "proton"
## The class must be from 0 to n class. We need to convert target
Train <- train %>%
mutate(target = ifelse(target == 11, 0,
ifelse(target == 13, 1,
ifelse(target == 211, 2,
ifelse(target == 321, 3, 4))))) %>%
mutate(weight = ifelse(target == 0, weights[weights["target"] == 0,2], # 0.466
ifelse(target == 1, weights[weights["target"] == 1,2], # 1
ifelse(target == 2, weights[weights["target"] == 2,2], # 0.000841
ifelse(target == 3, weights[weights["target"] == 3,2],
weights[weights["target"] == 4,2]))))) %>% # 0.000325, 0.0000651
select(target, weight, everything())
Train %>% head(20)
tmp <- rsample::initial_split(Train, prop = 3/4)
train_ <- rsample::training(tmp)
valid <- rsample::testing(tmp)
y_train <- as.integer(train_$target)
w_train <- train_$weight
x_train <- train_ %>% select(-target, -weight)
y_valid <- as.integer(valid$target)
w_valid <- valid$weight
x_valid <- valid %>% select(-target, -weight)