server <- function(input, output){
## import data from spark to R
iris_tbl <- spark_read_table(sc, 'iris')
start_time <- Sys.time()
spark_clinicalData_trans <- reactive({
clinicalData_tbl <- spark_read_table(sc, 'ClinicalData_tbl')
clinicalData_tbl %>%
mutate(OS_STATUS = regexp_replace(OS_STATUS, "LIVING", "0")) %>%
mutate(OS_STATUS = regexp_replace(OS_STATUS, "DECEASED", "1")) %>%
mutate(DFS_STATUS = regexp_replace(DFS_STATUS, "^$|^ $", "DiseaseFree")) %>%
filter(! %>%
mutate(OS_STATUS = as.numeric(OS_STATUS)) %>%
arrange(, OS_MONTHS) %>% ## OUFFF put Nan at the end of the column
mutate(DiseaseFree = ifelse(DFS_STATUS == "DiseaseFree", 1, 0)) %>% %>%
mutate( n_DiseaseFree = cumsum(as.numeric(DiseaseFree == 1 ))) %>%
mutate( n_Recurred = cumsum(as.numeric(DiseaseFree == 0 ))) %>%
# spark_iris_model <- reactive({
# iris_tbl %>%
# select(Petal_Width, Petal_Length) %>%
# ml_linear_regression(Petal_Length ~ Petal_Width) %>%
# collect()
# })
spark_iris_data <- reactive({
iris_tbl %>%
select(Petal_Width, Petal_Length)
output$clinicalDataPlot <- renderPlot({
aes(x = OS_MONTHS, y = value, color = variable)) +
geom_point(aes(y = n_DiseaseFree, col = "n_DiseaseFree")) +
geom_point(aes(y = n_Recurred, col = "n_Recurred")) +
labs(title = paste("Running Time = ", Sys.time() - start_time, " s"))
output$iris_model_plot <- renderPlot({
#ml_model <- spark_iris_model() DOES NOT WORK
## Predict linear model
ml_model <- iris_tbl %>%
select(Petal_Width, Petal_Length) %>%
ml_linear_regression(Petal_Length ~ Petal_Width)
# get ggplot
ggplot(spark_iris_data(), ## select data
aes(Petal_Length, Petal_Width)) +
geom_point(aes(Petal_Width, Petal_Length), size = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_abline(aes(slope = ml_model$coefficients[2],
intercept = ml_model$coefficients[1]),
color = "red") +
x = "Petal Width",
y = "Petal Length",
title = "Linear Regression: Petal Length ~ Petal Width",
subtitle = "Use Spark.ML linear regression to predict petal length as a function of petal width."
spark_clinical_trans_for_regression <- function(){
# clinicalData <- read.csv("ClinicalData.csv") #, na.strings=c("","NA")
# clinicalData <- clinicalData[c('OS_MONTHS', 'OS_STATUS', 'DFS_STATUS' )]
# sc <- spark_connect(master = "local",
# version = "2.4.0")
# clinicalData_tbl <- dplyr::copy_to(sc, clinicalData, overwrite = TRUE)
ClinicalData_tbl <- spark_read_table(sc, 'ClinicalData_tbl')
#start_time_surv_reg <- Sys.time()
clinicalData_trans_tbl <- ClinicalData_tbl %>%
mutate(OS_STATUS = regexp_replace(OS_STATUS, "LIVING", 1)) %>%
mutate(OS_STATUS = regexp_replace(OS_STATUS, "DECEASED", 0)) %>%
mutate(DFS_STATUS = regexp_replace(DFS_STATUS, "^$|^ $", "DiseaseFree")) %>%
mutate(DFS_STATUS = regexp_replace(DFS_STATUS, "DiseaseFree", 1)) %>%
mutate(DFS_STATUS = regexp_replace(DFS_STATUS, "Recurred", 2)) %>%
# mutate(xr = ifelse(TREATMENT_STATUS == "Untreated", 1 , 2)) %>%
# mutate(xr = ifelse(TREATMENT_STATUS == "Treated", 2, 1)) %>%
mutate(OS_STATUS = as.numeric(OS_STATUS)) %>%
mutate(DFS_STATUS = as.numeric(DFS_STATUS)) %>%
#arrange(, OS_MONTHS) %>% ## OUFFF put Nan at the end of the column
filter(! ## rm all NA in OS_STATUS column
partitions_clinicalData <- clinicalData_trans_tbl %>%
sdf_partition(training = 0.9, test = 0.1, seed = 1111)
clinicalData_training <- partitions_clinicalData$training
clinicalData_test <- partitions_clinicalData$test
sur_reg_clinicalData <- clinicalData_training %>%
ml_aft_survival_regression(OS_MONTHS ~ DFS_STATUS + OS_STATUS, censor_col = "OS_STATUS")
intercept_clinicalData <- sur_reg_clinicalData$coefficients[1]
coefficients_clinicalData <- sur_reg_clinicalData$coefficients[c(2,3)]
plotParams_clinicalData <- clinicalData_trans_tbl %>%
select(c('DFS_STATUS', 'OS_STATUS'))
scale_clinicalData <- as_tibble(exp(intercept_clinicalData + as_tibble(plotParams_clinicalData) * coefficients_clinicalData))
tSeq_clinicalData <- clinicalData_trans_tbl %>% select('OS_MONTHS')
probs_clinicalData <- data.frame(t = tSeq_clinicalData)
for (i in 1:8) {
probs_clinicalData[, paste("(DFS_STATUS, OS_STATUS) = (", toString(as_tibble(plotParams_clinicalData)[i, ]), ")", sep = "")] <-
pweibull(pull(tSeq_clinicalData), shape = 1, scale = pull(scale_clinicalData)[i], lower.tail = F)
melted_clinicalData <- melt(probs_clinicalData, id.vars="OS_MONTHS","group","prob") %>%
output$survival_regression_plot <- renderPlot({
start_time_surv_reg <- Sys.time()
spark_clinical_trans_for_regression() %>%
ggplot( aes(x= OS_MONTHS, y= prob, group= group, color= group)) +
geom_point() +
#geom_smooth() +
#geom_jitter() +
labs(title = "plot the spark ml_aft_survival_regression modeling",
x = "time", y = "Survival probability") +
# annotation_custom(grob = textGrob("Read all about it"),
# xmin = 120, xmax = 120, ymin = 0.3, ymax = 0.3) +
theme(legend.position = c(0.8, 0.85), legend.background = element_rect(color = "grey90", fill = "grey90")) +
geom_text(aes(label = '1: DeseaseFree / Living', x = 95, y = 0.7), color="grey60", size=3.5) +
geom_text(aes(label = '2: Recurred, 0: Diceased', x = 95, y = 0.65), color="grey60", size=3.5)+
geom_text(aes(label = paste('running time: ', round(Sys.time() - start_time_surv_reg, digits = 2), 's'), x = 95, y = 0.6), color="#a0a0a0", size=3.5)
observeEvent(input$done, {