This document illustrate how we can improve ShinyApp Style, and performance. The assignment consists of developing a shiny app that tracks encounter animals and plants species in the world. The dataset comes from two csv large files (4G, 2.4G) which can not open with an ordinary computer.
To demonstrate how we can improve recativities and play around skilling shiny app, We will walk through survey sections and try to site concrete example.
The Shiny App named biodiversity
I that developed during assignment, is a full R package that responds to CRAN/Bioconductor criteria. It is named biodiversity. It uses a map with multiple layers. The species are marked with different color in the map. User can view/hide any kingdom, search any species using keywords and the app return matched species and focus on select one.
To install and run biodiversity
shiny app, just run these code, or try the demo
As we said, the dataset is two csv files with about 6.5G. The first option to deal with this, is to convert the csv files to sqlite
database for example.
In reality, using DB instead csv file is not enought to scale the App to 1000s of users. It is importante use Faster function, like here:
family versus looping
con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "../../../DATA/Concours/Appsilon/biodiversity/biodiversity/inst/biodiversity/extdata/biodiversity.db")
countries_list <- NULL
tic(msg = "### LOOPING PROCESS ###")
for (i in DBI::dbListTables(con)){
countries_list[[i]] <- tbl(con,i) %>% as_tibble()
## ### LOOPING PROCESS ###: 3.886 sec elapsed
countries_list <- NULL
tic(msg = "### LAPPLY PROCESS ###")
countries_list <- lapply(DBI::dbListTables(con), function(x) tbl(con,x) %>% as_tibble)
## ### LAPPLY PROCESS ###: 4.435 sec elapsed
In general it is better to use apply
family function instead looping
In our case, we need to load geo.json
file map. Mainly, this kid of files have a metadata that can to become heavier. Here, we compared to file with different metadata countain. The first one is heavy and located at /extdata
folder, and the other loaded directly from the url source.
## Load Map SLOW
tic(msg = "### From File ###")
countries_map <- geojson_read("../../../DATA/Concours/Appsilon/countries.geojson", what = "sp")
## ### From File ###: 4.023 sec elapsed
## Load map FASTER
tic(msg = "### From link ###")
countries_map <- geojson_read("", what = "sp")
## ### From link ###: 0.429 sec elapsed
Nice! In the next steps we will improve the map loading by Caching
We can compare multiple ways to filter our data. Here we tried three methods (grepl
, %in%
, str_detect
, data.table
, and DT
) and we will select the faster one.
countries <- c("Poland", "Switzerland")
tic("### USING grepl ###")
biodiversity_data<- countries_list %>%
rbindlist() %>%
filter(grepl(paste0(countries, collapse = "|"), country, = TRUE))
## ### USING grepl ###: 1.583 sec elapsed
tic("### USING %in% ###")
biodiversity_data <- countries_list %>%
rbindlist() %>%
filter( country %in% countries )
## ### USING %in% ###: 0.646 sec elapsed
tic("### USING str_detect ###")
biodiversity_data <- countries_list %>%
rbindlist() %>%
filter( str_detect(country, countries))
## ### USING str_detect ###: 0.648 sec elapsed
tic("### USING data.table ###")
biodiversity_data <- countries_list %>%
rbindlist() %>%
biodiversity_data <- biodiversity_data[country == paste0(countries, collapse ="|")]
## ### USING data.table ###: 1.024 sec elapsed
tic("### USING DT ###")
biodiversity_data <- countries_list %>%
rbindlist() %>%
biodiversity_data <- biodiversity_data[grepl(paste0(countries, collapse ="|"), country)]
## ### USING DT ###: 1.337 sec elapsed
While adding countries to the database, the app become slow, mainly during ploting the map. The bottleneck become bigger when there are more and more circles markers (encounters) to plot on the map.
In the case of biodiversity
package, the loading inputs (Map and Tables), the Processing, and the building of the map with circles seems not to be the bottleneck. It should be the displaying process of the screen. We will process to analyse this hypothesis. We will use profvis
package to screen when the code takes a lot of memory.
## Loading required package: shiny
## Attaching package: 'shiny'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:DT':
## dataTableOutput, renderDataTable
## The following object is masked from 'package:geojsonio':
## validate
## sourcing frontPage: 0.722 sec elapsed
## sourcing frontPage_ui: 0.005 sec elapsed
## [1] "The biodiversity App is closed."
The blue color in the profiling indicates that the output$wotldMap
is the most heavy computing.
We will try to Analyze thoroughly using tictoc
User can select a country to focus on and search for species. When the user wants to iterate the choice of the country, a popup appears and wait for input country. Here we can catch previous plot and wait if the user/users (session/application level) reselect the same country, then the app can return it without computing.
of renderleaflet()
We just added %>% bindCache(vals$countries, cache = "session")
to the end of renderleaflet()
vals <- reactiveValues(countries = NULL)
## Listening OK button
observeEvent(input$ok, {
if (!is.null(input$countries_id) && nzchar(input$countries_id)) {
vals$countries <- input$countries_id
} else {
showModal(popupModal(failed = TRUE))
output$worldMap <- renderLeaflet({
for (i in input$countries_id){
#Put each table in the list, one by one
table_list[[i]] <- tbl(con,i) %>% as_tibble()
}) %>% bindCache(vals$countries, cache = "session")
Adding %>% bindCache(vals$countries, cache = "session")
to the rendereaflet()
, we catche its all processes ran with a specific vals$countries
. If the user select a new vals$countries
, le computing will be done, if not the app returns catched object. Concretely, we do not view progress bar for loading data, preprocessing and ploting the map.
We used a caching at session level. We can generalize the cache at the application level and memorize the object for multiple user by setting %>% bindCache(vals$countries, cache = "app")
## sourcing frontPage: 0.271 sec elapsed
## sourcing frontPage_ui: 0.072 sec elapsed
## [1] "The biodiversity App is closed."
Steps of this demo: Query Poland, Poland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Poland.
Only the first query on each country has computing steps.
You can see the Loading Map for … is done for Poland and Switzerland which is not necessary. In the next step, we will cache it by memoise
functionsThe same result can be obtained by using memoise
function. Here we will generate a BAD function inside renderLeaflet
just to see how it works.
output$worldMap <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet_fun <- function(countries_id){
for (i in input$countries_id){
#Put each table in the list, one by one
table_list[[i]] <- tbl(con,i) %>% as_tibble()
## memorize at the session level
m_leaflet_fun <- memoise::memoise(leaflet_fun, cache = session$cache)
The argument used in memoise function is the input country (selected country). In this case, all processing will run only if a new country was selected by user. In the other hand, like in previous example bindCache()
, each country will be proceed only the first time.
## sourcing frontPage: 0.24 sec elapsed
## sourcing frontPage_ui: 0.013 sec elapsed
## [1] "The biodiversity App is closed."
Steps: Query Poland, Poland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Poland.
Only the first query on each country has computing steps.
To memoize the process at Application level we need to change the argument cache
by m_leaflet_fun <- memoise::memoise(leaflet_fun, cache = getShinyOption("cache"))
Reading geojson map takes a while to load. And, it is reloaded in each country which is not necessary. To memoize the map we can do this:
geojson_read_fun <- function(url){
#withProgress(message = 'Loading Map ...', value = 20, {
## Load Map source :
#countries_map <- geojson_read("extdata/countries.geojson", what = "sp")
## Load map Faster
geojson_read(url, what = "sp")
m_geojson_read_fun <- memoise::memoise(geojson_read_fun)
tic(paste0("Loading Map for ", "Poland"))
countries_map <- m_geojson_read_fun("")
## Loading Map for Poland: 0.397 sec elapsed
Nice! If you can see in the last run of biodiversityMemoise::biodiversityMemoise()
, the Loading Map… was consumed about 4.6~sec. The following query have elapsed time 0s.
Actually, I did not find a way to use promises
and future
to improve loading data or renderLeaflet. Since integrating promises
to shiny is used generally within outputs, reactive expressions, and observers.
In our case, renderLeaflet
is an exception of shiny Outputs. it exepects a value like renderText()
or renderPlot()
but needs two data type to plot the map (geo.json) and to enrich it with biodiversity data.
We can improve loading data or map, but we can not use them as a promise
class. It take a long time to convert them. like:
tic("NORMAl Loding the Map " )
#countries_map <- geojson_read("",what = "sp")
countries_map <- geojson_read("../../../DATA/Concours/Appsilon/countries.geojson", what = "sp")
## NORMAl Loding the Map : 3.8 sec elapsed
tic("FUTURE Loading the Map " )
countries_map <- future({
#countries_map <- geojson_read("",what = "sp")
geojson_read("../../../DATA/Concours/Appsilon/countries.geojson", what = "sp")
## FUTURE Loading the Map : 3.194 sec elapsed
## convert Map FUTURE using value(): 0.002 sec elapsed
tic("NORMAL Load data")
biodiversity_data <- read_rds("../../../DATA/Concours/Appsilon/biodiversity-data/full_data_Poland_Switzerland_Germany_France_Spain_USA.rds")
## NORMAL Load data: 8.655 sec elapsed
tic("FUTURE Load data")
biodiversity_data_fu <-future({
## FUTURE Load data: 5.034 sec elapsed
tic("Converting data FUTURE using Value()")
biodiversity_data <- value(biodiversity_data_fu)
print(paste0("Table dimension: ", dim(biodiversity_data)))
## [1] "Table dimension: 404411" "Table dimension: 15"
## Converting data FUTURE using Value(): 0.004 sec elapsed
Here an example of how we can play with css
and js
files to improve the beauty of Shiny App. Also we can add beauty documentation using markdown
or Rmarkdown
shinyUI(fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("flatly"), title = "Biodiversity", #superhero, flatly
# Add CSS files
includeCSS(path = "www/AdminLTE.css"),
includeCSS(path = "www/shinydashboard.css"),
## Include Appsilon logo at the right of the navbarPage
tags$head(tags$script(type="text/javascript", src = "logo.js" )),
## Include Biodiversity logo
navbarPage(title=div(img(src="biodiversity.png", height = "50px", widht = "50px",
style = "position: relative; top: -14px; right: 1px;"),
tabPanel("Globe",icon = icon('globe'),
navbarMenu("", icon = icon("question-circle"),
tabPanel("About",icon = icon("info"),
tabPanel("Performance",icon = icon("creative-commons-sampling"),
tabPanel("Help", icon = icon("question"),
"", href = "", target = "_blank",
list(icon("github"), "Report issue")
"", href = "", target = "_blank",
list(icon("globe"), "Resources")
We can add a transparent layer with button, collapsable table and plotly. Like this piece of code to generate transparent panel with button over the Map:
column(width = 12,#style='height:200px',
leafletOutput("worldMap", height = "600px"),
absolutePanel(id = "panel_id", class = "panel panel-default",
top = 300, left = 20, width = 45, fixed=FALSE,
draggable = TRUE, height = 45 ,
# Make the absolutePanla collapsable
#HTML('<button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#popup_id">Country</button> '),
#tags$div(id = 'popup_id', class="collapse",#style='background-color:transparent; border-color: transparent',
div(actionButton(inputId = "popup_id",label = "",
icon = icon("globe"),
style='background-color:transparent; border-color: transparent',),
style = "font-size:100%")
I can site a wrapper of zxing JS library to shinyApp. The goal is to read barcode using smartphone/laptop camera link.
The demo shows a complex DT table with multiple gadgets:
1- SelectInput in each row
2- buttons in each row to run barcode reader using camera.
user can scroll serial number or scan barcode to match the serial number. Each button is recognize its row_id.
Below the camera frame, the gadget returns the serial number of scanned barcode. I added a sound signal BIP to inform the user that is OK. The returned serial number goes automatically to specific cell in the DT.
Mainly, shiny Apps that I developed are a full R package with:
1- build, test, check processes during development
2- Functions documents
3- Vignette for user
If the task is a part of a big project hosted in github:
1- Clone the github:branch
2- Make changes and features for the solution
3- Build, Test, Check
4- Pull request
I’m using my background and examples that I developed during previous years.
Also I can use useful packages like: geolm
, shinydashboard
, shiny.sementic
, shinymobile
to accelerate prototyping.
A- Screenshots of 6 shiny Apps: Shiny Apps Screenshot.pdf
B- Examples of EDA :
2- Restaurants reservation and costumers behaviours
I used Spyder IDE to develop web app with python. I tried Django and Flash. But I am more comfortable with Rstudio and shiny.
2 - Survival Lung Cancer Event prediction
Local infrastructure
The infrastructure of shiny app is like R package. Maybe, to give support, please see the infrastructure of shiny app package develeped during assignment step (private but appsilon-hiring is collaborator) .
Deployment purpose:
1- When using shiny server (using local or cloud ubuntu server), the app can be installed as a package or deployed at /srv/shiny-server/app_name
2- As a docker image: docker run -d -p 3838:3838 kmezhoud/biodiversity:0.1
3- As a kubernetes image
Deployment setting:
1- nginx or traefik
2- Port and redirection
3- firewall, iptable, and email alert
4- reverse proxy, and SSL domain certificate
5- keyring sensitive code like: login detail, IP address, tables and column names of the database.
Docker Swarm…
I can site an example of shiny mobile app named mobi100c. It is developed to make easy the ordering processes between customers, retailers, and Stores with central Azure database and different login profiles. (login:WASSIM, pwd:1)
I am familiar with digitalOcean and ubuntu server to deploy RStudio and Shiny server. Integrate automatic reporting using Rmarkdown, and run python code in R environment.
Depending on the following easy tutorial to host R Shiny on AWS, I think, it seems to be similar to DigitalOcean cloud computing services which I was installed and host R Shiny package. Today, the app is not working and need updates.
How to host an R Shiny App on AWS cloud in 7 simple steps
But in the following code, a glimpse of mobi100c
#add user with root privilege
adduser kirus
gpasswd -a kirus sudo
su - kirus
# install nginx
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install nginx
# Set virtual domain name
# add source for most recent version of R for ubuntu 18.04
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb bionic-cran40/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
gpg --keyserver --recv-key E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9
gpg -a --export E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9 | sudo apt-key add -
# install R
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install r-base
# install useful packages
sudo apt-get -y install libcurl4-gnutls-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev
sudo su - -c "R -e \"install.packages('promises', repos='')\""
# install rstudio server
sudo apt-get install gdebi-core
sudo gdebi rstudio-server-1.4.1106-amd64.deb
# install shiny server
sudo su - -c "R -e \"install.packages('shiny', repos='')\""
sudo su - -c "R -e \"install.packages('rmarkdown', repos='')\""
sudo gdebi shiny-server-
Sudo apt-get install synaptic
# Install an SSL Certificate with Let’s Encrypt
sudo apt-get install git
git clone
cd letsencrypt
#Now before we install the certificate, we have to stop our web server (NGINX). In the code below, replace #with your actual domain name that you registered for this site.
$ sudo service nginx stop
$ sudo ./letsencrypt-auto certonly –standalone -d -d
#If all goes well, it should have installed your new certificates in the /etc/letsencrypt/live/ folder.
# Configure the Reverse Proxy on NGINX
$ sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
#And add the following lines near the bottom of the main http block,
just before the section labeled “Virtual Host Configs”.
# Setting Appropriate Permissions
$ sudo groupadd shiny-apps
$ sudo usermod -aG shiny-apps kirus
$ sudo usermod -aG shiny-apps shiny
$ cd /srv/shiny-server
$ sudo chown -R kirus:shiny-apps .
$ sudo chmod g+w .
$ sudo chmod g+s .
# set shiny-server.conf
nano /etc/shiny-server/shiny-server.conf
## Add the following section
location /mobi100c {
app_dir /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/mobi100c/mobi100c;
log_dir /var/log/shiny-server;
directory_index on;
I thing the must difficule step is to build a docker image beofre to host it in GCS. I build a Docker image for shiny App developped during Assignment. You can run it.
Here some references of how to do:
2- How to put a Shiny app into production
3- Dockerizing and Deploying a Shiny Dashboard on Google Cloud
4- DIY Attribution Dashboard Using R Shiny & Google Cloud Computing
I think the straight way to host a Shiny application is to use a docker image.